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Monday 8 July 2024

8 July Back Down Southwards

A lovely bright start to the day as I left Scotland just before 9am. In Rolo with the roof down, I headed across country for the first part of my journey to get to the motorway.

Then it was southwards on the M74 and M6, briefly stopping for a cuppa and my first foray into looking for M&S chocolate peppermints at Mum's request (she'd tried hiding her last one but dad found it 😂)!! It was a quite successful shop (not in finding the chocs) in that by swiping my Sparks card I had my shop paid for!! Just under £14 worth for free so it's definitely worth scanning your Sparks card for every M&S shop.

Enjoying my cuppa outside at my first stop.

Then I headed on my travels, stopping at the next service station with an M&S. Still no peppermints!

My third stop was a planned visit to see friends from our South of France days when we used to have a mobile home. It was lovely to catch up as we'd not seen each other since before COVID - how time flies!

I then had the last hour and a bit to mum and dad's, making a stop at a M&S in a retail park. Success! Peppermints found.

My last part of the journey was a bit slower as I reckon there was a farmyard tag team as it seemed that as soon as one tractor or slow moving vehicle turned off that another took its place. And then as I was travelling through Wales there are the many 20mph zones. Anyway I eventually arrived by 7pm and before the rain started.

I think we're out to Ludlow tomorrow so looking forward a day out.

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