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Sunday 7 July 2024

7 July Queensferry Walk

Amy and Freddie were heading back early afternoon so we had time to squeeze in a short walk before dropping them off at the airport. We decided to explore Queensferry as it was closer to the airport and we hadn't been there before.

Well we thought we hadn't until we arrived. Amy and Freddie recognised it from their visit to Edinburgh a few years ago! They'd been on a mini cruise but had only got off the bus, on to the boat, back on the bus and it had been wet and windy. As a result they didn't realise there was anything else there!

A wobbly road through the village - Rolo was certainly being shaken around. Luckily it was one way so we had a better road on our ongoing trip.

A panoramic picture to show all 3 bridges. The furthest left (Queensferry crossing) is the newest taking the majority of road traffic, middle one (Forth Road Bridge) buses, bikes and pedestrians and the red one on the right (Forth Bridge) takes trains.

The island in the middle is home to a colony of seals.

The Jubilee clock tower which in 1888 had the clock faces added to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria.

After some lunch I dropped Amy and Freddie off for their 2.45pm flight and they were back home in Kent by 5.45pm. This flight was thankfully on time 😃.

As I'm back down south tomorrow I've been relaxing for the rest of the afternoon. A spot of knitting and Peter and I have been going through old photographs that he's saved digitally. How we've changed over the last 10 years!! 😂

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