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Friday 9 February 2024

7th February Wettest Place in New Zealand

Heavy rain overnight and jumping puddles to get to breakfast. 

Haast Pass has the highest rainfall by far. So no suprise that it's been non stop rain. Then about 10 miles up the road the rain stopped!

We stopped for a dune walk at Ship Creek. After having only just left the car it was obviously breakfast time for the sandflies. So we darted back to the car to liberally spray ourselves with mozzie spray. Only nibbled a bit today.

A wet view from the look out tower but the weather hasn't dampened our spirits.

Knight's Point about 10 miles further north wasn't the best views because of drizzle.

View out of the Salmon Farm cafe where we stopped for our morning cuppa. Low cloud today.

Had a good hour and half return walk to see Fox Glacier. We last visited 16 years ago and it's so different to when we came then. They have melted so much and retreated several kms. Then we drove basically to the foot of the glacier but now it's a good 1.5 hour walk there and back!

Red arrow shows where the glacier face was in 2009 when we visited with the children and the green arrow is where it is now 3.5km less than it had been then.


Part of the walk there showed where the glacier had been hundreds of years ago. Amazing how much has melted and the rate of it melting is sadly accelerating. Might not be here in another 16 years time!

On the glacier highway it's potential kiwi spotting. Unfortunately not for us during the day as they're nocturnal.

On to Franz Josef glacier. A shorter walk, this time in the drizzle and a rather cloudy view of the glacier.

Now booked into Glow Worm accommodation. A hostel where we get evening soup, endless popcorn and breakfast as part of our room deal. Curry vegetable soup tonight 😄.

Tomorrow it's a lot of driving as we go north to Greymouth and then start our journey across South Island back towards Christchurch. Tomorrow we'll be in Reefton.

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