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Friday 9 February 2024

8th February Pancakes and Fantails

First off, extra points to any of my readers who spotted my deliberate error about rainfall. Well done Peter for noting that Milford Sound has more rainfall than Haast Pass. But my excuse is that we have been to both 😄.

I had a bit of a restless night because of torrential rain bashing down on the roof of our chalet room and my ankles being especially itchy. Despite dousing myself in spray the sandflies got through the protective layer 😬.

Anyway we had a lot of driving today as we drove up the west coast stopping off at Hokitika for our morning cuppa. A bit breezy but the rain has stopped at last.

Found a reading bench.

Just outside Hokitika we stopped at a Glow Worm dell. No glow worms as it was too bright but loads of Fantail birds. First time we'd seen them so it was quite exciting.

A wander along a pretty beach to stretch our legs on the way to the Pancake Rocks.

As we approached Pancake Rocks Ian suddenly exclaimed that he'd seen a kiwi on the side of the road. No-one else saw it so he did a turn around in case it was still there. Nothing seen!

On arriving at the visitor car park a Wakea bird was wandering around and Ian reckons it was that bird that he saw. It's brown and a similar shape but not the same feather type. At least we hadn't missed seeing a kiwi!

The Pancake Rocks are apparently a bit of a mystery to geologists who are unsure how they are formed. Unfortunately as we arrived at low tide the blow hole didn't have the volume of water to do any blowing. A lovely walk round in the sunshine though.

Our journey then continued for another hour and a half to Reefton along the Bullets River, through Lewis Pass. We're now about halfway back across the South Island staying in an old nurse's home. Surrounded by nursing memorabilia! On to Kaikoura tomorrow for more seals and whale watching.

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