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Sunday 18 February 2024

18th February Day in Raglan

We've had a great day out and about today with Bridget and Simon being tour guides.

On Raglan beach, about an hour's drive away. We had gone prepared for swimming but we only had time for a paddle and a potter in rock pools before we went for lunch.

We lunched at Rockit where my niece got married about 5 years ago. A lovely lunch out on the deck.

Trying out the different puds. Carrot cake.

Mini brownie for me - hate to think what a normal size one was going to be!!

We headed to the surf beach after lunch. This photo doesn't really show you but they were surfing in on the waves. 

On our way back we went to see Bridal Veils fall.

Amy and Freddie went to the bottom (the old foggies sat on the bench at the top!!) 😄.

On our return there has been some snorkeling practice going on. Looks like we're all ready for the Barrier Reef.

Tomorrow we're up early to get to Rotorua for 9.30am. We'll be off after an early breakfast for an adventurous day!

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