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Saturday 17 February 2024

17th February 3 Swim Saturday

Well it's definitely been a day just chillin'. By the time I write this I've already had 3 swims and there could even be more!

This was at breakfast time and the sun was already out and in the high 20s.

Ian and I took it easy doing our chillin' while Amy and Freddie met up with cousin Ellie in nearby Te A. Freddie, sporting his new sleeveless t-shirt (he got the scissors out last night!), and Amy had a lovely time with her at the market and seeing what the town had to offer.

With it being so hot, with little shade and large queues at the rodeo they gave it it missand the whole family came back for more swims in the pool.

It's really quite a melee when there are 10 adults and 5 children around the pool. Lots of splashes, hats and sunscreen with inflatables of all sorts floating around. The sparkly ones were popular with the girls 😊.

Tomorrow we're off to the seaside town of Raglan on the west coast. Doing a bit of touristy stuff and lunch at my niece's wedding venue which we unfortunately couldn't get to a few years ago.

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