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Friday 28 June 2024

28 June Leaping Dolphins

A great dolphin spotting day today and the coffee machine in the Owners Lounge, that's been waiting for parts since I arrived, is now at least partially working (more parts needed!).

Anyway with a cloudy start to the day I thought about putting on a thicker jumper but decided against it as I always warm up. It did! With quite a few walkers out I ended up giving directions to join the the coastal path a few times and there was plenty of chat about the weather (well we're a country renowned for discussing our cloud conditions and heat - too hot or too cold 😃).

First stop today was the Memorial Hall as it hosts a small craft market and refreshments. I had popped into the OL to see if the coffee machine had been fixed on my way by, but at that point it still had an 'out of order' sign on it. 

I had thought about grabbing a coffee there but decided to wait until I got down by the harbour for a cuppa. And just as well I did.

I tried out Giovanni's for my coffee as there were vacant seats by the wall in the sunshine overlooking the other beach which is outside the harbour. The sea looked a bit choppy with breaking waves and the tour boats were definitely a bumpy ride (not my sort of enjoyment 🤢). 

It was a brilliant spot as after a few minutes there were dolphins jumping and leaping.  About 6 performing for the on lookers. They were obviously in a happy mood as they were all frolicking about for a good 15 minutes - I made my coffee last to keep my viewing spot. They could still be jumping about now but I decided to head back up the hill passing a very green looking lady with her young family. On telling them that the dolphins were jumping she nodded and said in hindsight she'd have been better enjoying a coffee on the harbour wall - they'd just come off a dolphin spotting trip!! 

From chatting to a local I found out that the Aberaeron sea defences will take 2 years to finish with the big rocks needed for it's build being shipped from Argentina! She was telling me how in the winter months that the houses on the front have waves coming over them when there's a high tide and strong winds. I suppose when I'm here it's always idyllic so I'm totally oblivious to what it can be like in the harsher months.

After stopping off to read the papers in the OL I found the coffee machine back in action. Yippee! Then I took the beach route, but only half way back as it was high tide. The pebbly route is a bit more cumbersome and not as scenic. Because you only look at your feet to make sure you don't trip over! The remaining bit was on the country road.

This afternoon was pretty quiet spent back at the van. Getting myself ready as I'm off tomorrow to see Mum and Dad for a few days en route to Scotland. With a change in weather coming I think it's going to be a bit different to what we've had here the last few days. It'll be back to a normal British summer 😃. Jumpers at the ready!

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