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Thursday 27 June 2024

27 June Out to Aberaeron

I thought I'd have a bit of a change this morning and took Rolo out for a spin to Aberaeron just down the coast.

It was quite warm as I headed off but on arriving at Aberaeron there was quite a westerly breeze coming straight up the harbour. So I had to put on another layer against the chill, as I went for a potter.

The footbridge was closed today which I thought was a bit odd. But I soon found out why.

The inner harbour has been dried out and is being used to store materials for new flood defences and extension of the harbour wall.

The wall where you normally sit with your honey ice cream has gone! Normally this is a busy prom with holiday makers crabbing and enjoying the view. 

There were workmen abseiling on the harbour wall!

Still a few good views without all the fences and workmen. The town was definitely much quieter than it normally is. I doubt the local businesses are impressed by their reduced trade.

Once I'd enjoyed my little wander round town and made a few purchases I drove back to the main site to go and read the papers. Then I walked into New Quay just in case there were dolphins about.

The sea was a lovely colour in the harbour when the sun broke through. No dolphins today, but with the sea being slightly choppy in the breeze I wasn't really expecting to be able to see them.

Once back at the van I settled in to finish a detective book and made a start on another out in my sun spot. Another lovely afternoon.

Tomorrow is market day up in New Quay Memorial Hall so guess where I'm heading 😃.

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