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Wednesday 26 June 2024

26 June Tap Dancing Seagulls

This morning I was woken to a flash mob of sea gulls performing a collection of tap dance routines across the roof, with the occasional operatic sqwauk thrown in for musical accompaniment. Fortunately it was gone 8am so I could enjoy this choreographic feast from the comfort of a warm bed, bathing in the warm glow of the sun seeping through the extra thick van curtains. 

I'm in a rather poetic mood this morning, as I write this entry before breakfast. I thought I'd write about my avian dance troupe while it was fresh in my memory as it made me smile (well I couldn't really be grumpy as it is time I got up and it's sunny - woohoo!). I could just imagine sea gulls in tap shoes, pirouetting about on the tin roof in the Wales's Got Talent breakfast edition.

Anyway, I'm now up, sun cream applied. Well there's probably a patch I missed doing my contortionist act trying to reach the bit in between my shoulder blades - I'm sure it's someone's party trick to be able to do it but it's well beyond my gymnastic abilities. I might have stumbled on to the next big thing to go on Dragons Den. A refilling sponge on a stick (like those washing up sponges you put washing up liquid in the handle), that you can apply single handed without having suncream dribbling down your back or flicking over your clothes. Definitely the next big summer essential 😎.

There will be more ramblings added after the day's activities as I'm in need of sustainance (strawberries and Greek yogurt today), coffee and a few more chapters of 'The Underground Library' by Jennifer Ryan to properly start my morning.

Breakfast setting me up for the day.

With a full tummy and my rucksack ready I ventured out for the morning only realising on leaving the van that we were beset with sea mist and a large fog bank off the coast.

The fog off the coast looking over New Quay.

Dolphin spotting was a bit of a challenge with the fog but there were 2 small pods out this morning.

I took an alternative route back to the van going along the beach, once I'd tackled an over grown pathway down to it.

Cei Bach still had the fog over it this afternoon. There were a couple of paddle boarders coming into the beach accompanied by a friendly seal. They told me it had been following them back from their trip paddling along to New Quay. It could've been their terriers sitting with them on the boards that were the attraction - would seals eat miniature dogs or are they just fish eaters??

A panoramic view of Cei Bach beach.

By the time I got back to the van the sun seemed to have finally burnt through the fog hanging over our end of the bay. So I managed to chill out and finish my book accompanied by a much needed cuppa.

This evening after a bit of domesticity (cleaning windows!!!) I've been working on my crochet project. It's necessitated a bit of undoing as I've run out of some colours but I think I've sorted it now. I should get most of it sewn up tomorrow.

No particular plans for tomorrow - I'll see how I feel in the morning.

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