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Tuesday 25 June 2024

25 June Result!

I got up to a warm but overcast day preparing myself for a day of weeding. However, I thought I'd pace myself and go for a walk first.

So I packed my rucksack (drink, sunhat in case the sun did venture out and first aid kit ... well you never know) and headed off on the road route as it was just about high tide. I'd got a short way up the road and realised that I wasn't sure if I'd closed the kitchen window so I meandered back.

As I approached the van I spotted a man spraying weeds on the path of the next door van. I jokingly asked him if he was doing everyone's and he was! So I asked if he could also do under the car and he could. So while I took Rolo round the block the gravel was sprayed. No weeding for me now as they'll be dying off in about 6-7 days. A real result!

The extend of weeds to be tackled.

My helpful gardener 😃.

So once I checked all the windows it was back to my walk up to the main site and into New Quay.

Very green and everything needs cutting back.

The tide was in and the sea flat calm. Ideal for dolphin spotting - there were 3 bobbing about off the harbour wall today.

As I headed back to the van the skies started to clear and the sun broke through. Ideal afternoon conditions after my late lunch.

Got my afternoon sorted now I don't have to weed.

I think tomorrow will be a domestic day but I also hope to squeeze a walk in during the day as well.

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