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Saturday 22 June 2024

22 June Hove to Home

Amy and I had a thoroughly good time in Hove by finishing off our stay with breakfast out. Breakfast wraps, baps, avocado on sour dough washed down with smoothies, tea or coffee ... just so much to choose from.

We eventually meandered our way home via a stop of for a bit of retail browsing 😁.

Freddie has been busy working on removjng the old tarmac from the driveway. Then he and Ian sorted out a watering system for his potato and tomato plants. This provoked lots of discussion on the benefits of using the system vs a watering can. The juries out on this!!

After another glorious June afternoon I've been working on getting my granny squares into some sort of order. It's gradually taking shape and hopefully there are enough squares to get the project finished tomorrow.

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