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Sunday 3 March 2024

3rd March 40 Year Reunion

This morning started off with kangaroo sightings in the nearby field and colourful parrots feeding on trees nearby. All was initially calm ...

Then Freddie managed to drop his telephone SIM card down the side of the chair he was sitting in! At one point it was like he was under a car as lights were being shone into the upturned chair to locate it. Then the tools came out as it was gradually taken apart by a combination of Ian, Freddie and the hotel manager. Drills and hammers at the ready! 

Thankfully it was located and the chair repaired. Our departure was only slightly delayed and we were soon on our way towards the Gold Coast. Freddie has been advised to next time change a SIM card sitting at a table 😄.

First stop was at Yamba where we walked along the breakwater. Ian spotted a ray jumping out of the water!

Lots of dragon lizards about lazing in the sunshine. Poor Amy got quite a fright when one got quite close on the footpath.

Then the wild turkeys were trying to get in on the action.

Lunch stop was in Ballina overlooking the beach watching a pod of dolphins. We decided against a swim in the sea at this point as we thought we'd swim when we arrived at our accommodation at Palm Beach. We soon found out that we're doomed with the weather.

We managed to find our rather plush accomodation on our second drive round the area. As Amy says 'don't judge a book by it's cover'. Once unpacked we were just planning on heading to the beach and guess what? It started to rain!

Anyhow we're staying here as it's not too far away from one of the girls I trained with at Guy's 40 years ago. I missed the reunion as I was in NZ so we had a mini reunion.

Penny invited us along to Currumbin Surf Club with the idea that we'd enjoy the sunset over the sea. Instead we had our 4th evening of thunderstorms and spectacular lightning. Penny says she hasn't seen rain for quite a while so we must be bringing it with us! As long as we can keep dodging it we'll be ok.

It was great getting info on what to see and do. Also to avoid swimming in the sea as we go north because of jellyfish - stinger suits need to be worn. So first thing we did when we got back was to check all our booked accommodation had a pool! Luckily most have so we're good 😊.

Tomorrow we're in Brisbane for a few nights. A bit of exploring and a pool to swim in if the weather improves.

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