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Friday 5 April 2024

5th April A Quiet Day

With Storm Kathleen causing problems up north (Peter reported snow up in Scotland this morning) we had a relatively good day weatherwise. I managed to have two walks and the lawn mower was put into action.

Mum was out this morning so I was left in charge of lunch. So before I had to get the oven on I popped out for a short walk to stretch my legs whilst Ian continued his search for the best car insurance quotes.

With all the recent rain the fields were a bit boggy and the streams on full flow. At least this time the lane to the road hadn't flooded. Although that's probably due to the last time we were here that Ian dug a trench to the ditch so the water has an escape route.

After lunch Mum and I took the dogs for a walk up the track which was a bit damp but at least kept mud on the dogs to a minimum. It was actually fairly breezy which helped dry the grass as well.

As Mum had to recently abandon her last lawn mowing because the battery went flat, she decided on finishing it off while it was dry. She didn't want to risk leaving it until tomorrow in case it rains. Ian went out to help but I'm not sure if he was allowed 😀.

Anyway I had hot cross buns and a pot of tea ready for when the workers came in. I do love a toasted fruit bun with melted butter. Definitely a comfort food (along with chocolate and wotsits).

We're planning a trip into Bishop's Castle tomorrow for a spot of shopping and lunch. Trying out the newly refurbished Castle Hotel - pretty sure I've been there but it would've been years ago if I did. I'll report back tomorrow as to whether I remember going there or not.

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