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Thursday 4 April 2024

4th April Motoring Mayhem

Our morning started off with sorting out paperwork before we began our journey northwest to Mum and Dad's. Unfortunately half the country seemed to be taking the same route which in conjunction with a closure of the M25 on the opposite side led to horrendous tail backs. A real welcome back to the UK after our 9 weeks with very little traffic on the roads.

Anyway we left at 11.30am drove up to about Guildford on the M25 and decided we were already in need of caffeine. Frustratingly, much of our journey seems to have been held up by drivers on our side of the motorway rubber necking to see what was going on the other side where road repairs were going on. 

Once back on the road we continued at a snail's pace around to about midway up the M40. About time for lunch we thought and took the slip road off to the next services. Not a good decision!

For some reason the traffic into and out of the services was solid and we couldn't work out why. Eventually we parked up grabbed lunch and joined the queue to get out. Then we found the reason for all the delays - a broken down caravan blocking the exit road and causing all manner of chaos. If you had a small car you could just squeeze past, otherwise you had to navigate the no entry route and a detour to get back to the motorway. We were in Rolo so squeezed past!


Near my brother's we stopped off for a walk around St Peter's Church, the oldest church in Warwickshire built 1300 years ago. Then it was just a short drive to catch up with him and my nephews over a cuppa.

Lovely to catch up with him before finishing the last leg of our journey to Mum and Dad's. We eventually got to them by 7.30pm ... Only 8 hours after we started. Definitely not our quickest journey to them 😀. But we did do 70 miles to the gallon!

Not sure what tomorrow will bring. Fingers crossed for dry weather.

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