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Saturday 27 April 2024

27th April Waiting for Rain

An odd sort of day as the clouds have been ominous and the forecast has been for rain all day. It didn't seem like weather for a market so we spent today locally.

By dinner time we were still waiting for it to pour. I expect the Spanish farmers and the reservoir owners are still looking at the clouds hoping for rain. I think it's more likely tomorrow with the grey cloud with rain symbol on the Met Office app.

This morning we kept ourselves busy. I tackled the bathroom - I'm not sure why but I had an urge to get my pot of Pink Stuff out and scour the shower tiles! About an hour later it was positively sparkling and I also dragged the floor mop out for an outing.

Ian has been doing more window repair work. He has plans to bring the sander down on our autumn trip to complete the job properly. 

As I was on a cleaning mission this extended out to the balcony. All seagull deposits now gone. Wow betide any seagull looking at perching on the corner of the balcony with it's derriere overhanging the wall. If I see it I'm definitely moving it on.

After cloud watching whilst eating lunch we decided to risk a reccie this afternoon out to the supermarket. A few food supplies needed replenishing and it's always good to try and get out for a walk. Thankfully it stayed dry and we got there and back without getting soaked.

For the rest of the afternoon and evening it's been a mixture of watching the women's rugby final (England v France) and finishing off some craft bits. One cross stitch birthday card completed and I've had to watch a few YouTube videos to remind myself how to do crochet. My confusion not helped by American and UK crochet instructions being different 😬. Got there in the end!

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