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Friday 26 April 2024

26th April Window Repairs

A morning walk along to Roses before returning to undertake some window repairs. Enjoying the sunshine while it's here!

The kitchen window frame is starting to look a bit shabby so glue and tape have been put into action. More work to be done tomorrow after the glue dries.

We managed to sit out on the balcony in the sunshine for most of the afternoon. But then the grey clouds came rumbling in! This evening we've had the rain splashing on the balcony - at least it'll soften the seagull deposits and means less scrubbing for me.

It meant our walk to the local Indian restaurant for a meal out with our boat friend Richard,  was a bit damper than we'd originally anticipated - soggy feet! 

A check of next week's forecast and it looks predominantly rain😂. But clearing by next weekend in time for our visitors.

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