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Wednesday 24 April 2024

24th April A DIY Day

I can't believe it's still windy! It's now getting a bit tedious. Especially as we have long pauses of silence and we get all excited at the prospect of going outside without being blown about and then the distinctive whooing and whistling sounds we get start up again!!

It looks like there's been more snow on the mountains. This could be why the wind coming from that direction is a bit nippy.

Anyway a perfect opportunity for Ian to make some progress on the dresser. This morning he borrowed an angle grinder as the ends of the new knobs were too long. Luckily we know someone who has loads of tools and is currently over here.

In case you're wondering, I provide the DIY support in the form of holding things when sawing is going on, making coffee and being the official second measurer. Well they do say 'measure twice and cut once' and I have been known to point out on occasions that measurements are being taken from the wrong end! However, I admit that Ian does the majority of it all so mostly I sit out in the front door, where you can get out of the wind, enjoying a read until I'm called to assist.

A bit of painting this afternoon to touch up areas worn by the previous dangling handles. Looking good!

Then later miraculously the wind stopped! Making our evening over in Empuibrava for a round of mini golf quite pleasant but we still wrapped up warm.

About 20 of us met up for the evening. Ian ended up joint 3rd whilst I was just as rubbish at playing as normal. But it was a fun time can catching up with what's been happening in the months we've been away.

Hopefully the calm weather continues although talk is that we're due for the much needed rain. Spain is currently in drought conditions with water restrictions being brought in. There's apparently going to be a per person water allowance although we're not really sure how that's going to be managed.

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