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Monday 22 April 2024

22nd April Blown Away

Last night we were woken several times to the grating of balcony furniture making a move. Not just ours but it sounded like the floor below or above also had something rattling around - reminded me of being on Anya when we were sheltered in a harbour from the wind. Although we didn't have to endure the room rocking about like at sea!

It definitely wasn't there last night!

The sound of the wind whistling around wasn't encouraging us to go out for a walk or for me to continue my balcony clean. However, we decided to head along the seafront with the promise of a coffee at the end to whip us into action.

This is Ian chatting to a couple of men leaf blowing!! We were having a laugh as they were trying to blow them in the opposite direction of the actual wind!! I think Ian was trying to suggest that they give up 😄.

We warmed up over a cuppa and ventured back via the Tourist Information to find out what's happening locally. St George's Day celebrations tomorrow and wine tasting next week now in our calendar.

Our walk back was a bit more lively with Ian's hat going for a tour of it's own!! I've not seen Ian move so fast! I had my hooded sweatshirt on so kept my hat on without any noticeable movement. 

We spotted a new ebike charging point down in Roses. Not seen one of these before.

We couldn't imagine all the different leads being there if we saw one in the UK. I get the impression that the Spanish are very trustworthy.

After a healthy lunch (we're making a converted effort whilst away) we ended up going for a potter to the supermarket in search of an electric toothbrush. Mine having given up last night - totally defunct. With my luck on teeth we decided that it was worth battling another windswept walk so Ian left his hat behind.

An impressive sky tonight.

Having looked at the forecast we're in for more wind tomorrow so hopefully the St George's celebrations are unexpected.

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