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Wednesday 10 April 2024

10th April Morning in Sevenoaks

A quiet house this morning as Ian and I pottered around sorting out washing and making plans for the day. That was until the washing machine got on to its spin cycle and it was like having a Boeing 747 landing in the kitchen. I'm surprised we don't have complaints from the neighbours!

Once the washing was out on the line we took Rolo for a spin. Sevenoaks was our destination as all our banks seem to be getting further away with more local ones closing. Unfortunately as it's not always possible to sort out issues on the phone you sometimes need to speak to an actual person. Luckily no queues and real people to speak to - we got everything sorted.

Thankfully Sevenoaks was fairly quiet this morning. There was plenty of parking available despite still being the Easter school holidays.

After our successful morning's outing, this afternoon Pauline popped round for a hot cross bun (yes, they're still in the shops - yum!) and our next installment of catching up on our trips away. Between the 2 of us we've certainly covered some mileage over the last few months.

Amy was in cooking mode on her return from work so I was called upon for chopping and grating duties. This evening there's a lovely aroma of just cooked goodies ready for lunch boxes tomorrow. Just the washing up to be done and then it's feet up for the evening.

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