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Friday 8 March 2024

8th March Downpours Down Under

It's been a bit of an odd day today following heavy rain overnight.

First we were up at 6.30am, as we decided to walk up to Barnacles Cafe at the end of Tin Can Bay to see the wild dolphins. 

On arriving there was a huge queue of avid dolphin feeders and others being charged exorbitant amounts to be allowed along the foreshore to take photos and have the chance of feeding a 'wild' dolphin. It just felt wrong as the dolphins have learnt to come along every morning for a feed, although there are restrictions on the amount they get fed. But you have to wonder who gets the money as 30 fish do not cost the hundreds of dollars being taken daily.

Anyway we enjoyed the walk, had a lovely refreshing smoothie from the cafe, viewed the dolphins from the boat ramp and returned for breakfast in the sunshine.

Continuing our keep fit we walked in the opposite direction to Crab Creek along the foreshore walk. It was very informative with signs showing pictures of the local bird life which we tried to spot on our amble along.

Another spider!

Spotted this 'growth' on a tree. Not sure if it's a mud wasp nest (although we didn't see wasps flying about) or a termite nest. We hope to ask a local as they may know.

On our way back we tried out a 'Beehive' cake. A bread, similar to a doughnut, filled with honey flavoured fresh cream and custard and topped with honey glazed roast almonds. Absolutely yummy!

After our refuelling we were wending our way back on the last leg of our walk and it poured! We had to seek refuge under the garage forecourt for about 10 minutes until the deluge cleared. The petrol attendant even popped out to see if we were ok and tried to flog us some rain ponchos! As we only had about another 5 minutes to go we held on before a swift walk back.

And the rain has continued on and off all afternoon - although this photo doesn't really show off the downpour.

Despite the rain we went on the 25 minutes drive round to Rainbow Beach on the other side of the creek to us. Unfortunately the rain didn't allow us to see the multi coloured sands found further along the beach. However we did find the colourful steps in between the rainbow benches scattered around the town.

Back for the evening we're planning tomorrow's trip to Bundaberg. Lots to see so hopefully enough day light 😄.

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