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Tuesday 26 March 2024

26th March Off to Singapore

An early start today to the airport. By 8am we were outside flagging a taxi, which I hasten to add was a vast improvement in comparison to our taxi drive here. Not just because it was two thirds of the price but we had a driver who knew where he was going. He also didn't judder and swerve over the road as he had a map in one hand!!

We were fascinated to watch the Macdonald's in the departure lounge at work. Upstairs you can see the staff working on food preparation and then there's a system to get the food delivered downstairs by an automated pulley system. Kept us intrigued especially when we were trying to work out what they do when the system fails. Do they throw it down? 🤔

Our 8 hour flight got off on time and everyone was settling into watching a movie on the in-flight system when disaster struck.... 

The in-flight system stopped working (not that I was particularly worried as I had books to read and suduko to complete)! There were lots of apologies, rebooting of the system, the Captain getting in on the action to apologise on behalf of Singapore airlines and a warning that the lights would dim as the system was kick started. At one stage we thought we might have the flight attendants doing a singing and dance routine in the aisles as we were told they would make up for it! Anyway about 3 hours into the flight someone must have pressed the right button as our screens all burst back to life. More grovelling apologies and on exit we all received a gift of tea 😀.

Singapore Terminal 1 arrivals was very colourful this evening.

After our luggage eventually arrived we loaded up and headed for the Metro (underground train). We'd been very organised and checked out transport options whilst we were in Sydney, so we knew to buy 3-day passes. These start tomorrow and will take us through until we get back to the airport - now got to make the most of them!

We're staying in pods! A double decker with us old coggers on the bottom, as we're more likely to be pottering out to the loo in the small hours.

I think the blue glow is supposed to be better for the brain - or something. Very calming and cool in our pod.

After unloading our stuff we mozzied out for dinner and a wander around the night markets - well in 30C+ temperature you might as well.

We're currently in the Year of the Dragon.

Just round the corner is a Hindu temple which was all lit up.

Part of the city skyline on our walk back for the evening.

With 3 full days here we're going to take it easy on our sightseeing. No plans as to what we're going to do tomorrow yet.

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