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Tuesday 13 February 2024

13th February A R & R Day

Well we've certainly made the most of our rest and relaxation day by doing nothing! Well nearly nothing.

Since breakfast time we have been serenaded by our little cricket friends (in Spain they're cicadas but not sure what they are over here) who are in the trees surrounding the garden. Their singing and clicking has not reduced Ian's ability to have a snooze though😀.

We are in a neat little bach that has recently been renovated. Ideal for us with a big fridge to cool the drinks and a BBQ for tonight's chicken.

We put the washing machine into action and now we'll all be smelling sweet with our freshly laundered clothes. An ideal washing day with sunshine and a slight breeze.

With Factor 50 liberally applied and spending most of the day in the shade we've been catching up on our reading. Ian managed to find a couple of old fishing magazines left on the side so he's up to date on NZ fishing.

Late afternoon we ventured out for a food shop and have managed to sign up for another supermarket app. They all seem to be offering cheaper petrol and special offers so it only seems sensible to take up their deals. With the amount of driving we're doing cheaper petrol prices are very welcome.

We're contemplating a trip out tomorrow - we'll see how energised we feel in the morning.

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