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Sunday 11 February 2024

11th February Being the Tourist in Christchurch

Not the warmest of days but we wrapped up, packed our anoraks and headed off to explore the city of Christchurch today.

Since the major earthquake in early 2011 the city is still repairing itself. Large parts where buildings were demolished after their collapse,  are car parks and it took over 7 years for the city to decide that the cathedral was possible to repair.

One of the first places we visited was the Transitional Cathedral made out of cardboard, wood and steel. A pretty amazing structure.

A very peaceful environment where we lit a candle and remembered a special loved one back home who recently left us.

We then did the touristy bit and took a ride on the tram circuit.

Well, we ended up getting value for money and doing several circuits as we jumped on and off at the stops around the city.

Past the original cathedral undergoing serious renovation.

Taking time to chill out with a new friend 😀.

In several parts of the city the tram squeezes in between cafes and restaurants. Sitting in the tram you pass outdoor BBQs with restaurants selling their wares.

The city has masses of street art. 

Amaxingly this art is on a flat wall. We had to walk up to have a look.

Peacock fountain at the Botanical Gardens

We enjoyed local bands playing in the gardens as part of the Sunday Summer festival.

On our walk back to our motel there was more art.

We've managed to run down our food supplies as we're flying to North Island in the morning. Just a bag of cereal that we haven't opened to transport 😀. Hopefully it'll be warmer as we head up there and the sun will be shining.

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