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Saturday 10 February 2024

10th February Whale Watch Day

Yesterday we went to check with the Whale Watch flight that Amy and Freddie's flight was ok for today. All yesterday's flights had been cancelled due to the strong winds so we were making sure everything was good to go. It actually ended up with their flight being brought forward by an hour to 9am with a 8.30am check in.

This meant an early start this morning to pack up and get to the airport in time. It took a few of the group a bit of time to get a wiggle on but eventually the troops were on manoeuvre!

Ready to go.

About to board.

Clambering on.

And they're off!

Back! They had a great flight and saw Sperm whales and the elusive Blue whales. Apparently the Blue whales aren't spotted that often.

After their flight we headed into Kaikoura to find a sew on patch for their collection. A bit of a rarity but eventually they found one. We had a bit of a 'find Amy and Freddie' game as we managed to miss each other on our walkabout. Luckily we could use the town's WiFi to make contact and meet up.

Kaikoura Bay

View from the end of Kaikoura peninsula. Looking northwards with Kaikoura on the right.

We took the Tsunami route out of town!

We had to look out for Pukekos on our way to Gore Bay. Today Ian mistook a pine cone on the side of the road for a kiwi😅.

A stop at Gore Bay for a picnic lunch.

Unusual rock formation at Cathedral Rocks.

Experiencing road works on Highway 1 (equivalent of the country's M25!).

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