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Thursday 9 May 2024

9th May Europe Day

Still snow on the Pyrenees this morning.

Over breakfast we kept looking out of the windows and round the balcony to try and spot a helicopter, as we thought we could hear one. As we didn't spot one we put it down to someone lawn mowing - but it wasn't!

With minimal breeze and a sunny start to the day a walk along the prom this morning was in order. We were amazed how busy the local area has got since the weekend. Very few car parking spots available and the beach, which has been empty for the last 2 weeks because of rain and wind, was positively heaving in comparison to what it's been like. A quick Google to check whether it was a bank holiday (as we have been known to be taken unawares previously) and we found that it's Europe Day today. I think the French use any excuse to have a day off and get to the beach 😄.

Walking along the prom we noticed a high volume of police and bombier (fire service) boats just patrolling back and forth along the beach. Then we came across one part of the beach sectioned off with police tape and an armed policeman on guard to keep people away from the area. 

Then the helicopter joined in flying low over the sea front and basically it's been going on all day.

At Roses end of the prom a huge section was closed off. No idea what's going on. Cyclists and walkers having to be diverted around the back of all the emergency vehicles.

With divers out it looked like someone is lost at sea, but we've not been able to confirm what's happened despite looking on line. We'll have to see if we can find out tomorrow. The helicopter stopped buzzing about by about 6pm so it's possible they've called the search off.

As we'd walked all the way along the prom we tried out a coffee with icd cream. A bit like an iced latte - I might ask for ice cubes as well if we get another one.

This afternoon has been an incredibly lazy day. I've finished reading the book I started yesterday (plenty of surprises in it) and even Ian has finished a book. More laziness this evening 😃.

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