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Tuesday 7 May 2024

7th May L'Escala for Roman and Greek Ruins

Unexpectedly we woke to blue skies and sunshine after yesterday's met office forecast had predicted rain all day. This meant an over breakfast discussion and decision to risk a trip over to the Roman (and Greek) ruins at L'Escala, as the forecast was indicating rain in Girona from about 3pm.

With Pauline and Tim's bags packed, sandwiches made and umbrellas and anoraks ready in the event of rain we shot off in Rolo to the sea side ruins at L'Escala.

A huge area covered with Greek ruins on the lower slopes and evidence of Roman occupation at the top of the hill.

Our audio guide informed us that just 20% of the Roman remains had been unearthed and just that was a huge area. There's potentially loads more to see in the future as they continue to uncover it.

The city gateway had evidence of chariot wheels worn in the rock floor (on the right).

After about nearly 2 hours of our tour and a picnic lunch we continued to explore L'Escala by taking the sea front path into the town. A quick cuppa and a chat with a British couple staying in the area with their huge dog, before we noticed the grey clouds. Time to make a dash back to Rolo and head into Girona. 

Once parked (after a bit of a detour as I'd directed Ian to the wrong free car park) we made our way into the city. First photo stop being the view over the river looking at the cathedral.

Before the rain started.

Unexpectedly Ian spotted an otter. We followed it's progress until the rain meant we had to dash for cover.

Umbrellas and raincoats put to good use. 

Round the side of the cathedral.

If you're a Game of Thrones fan you might recognise these steps and the cathedral entrance (we've never watched it so meant nothing to us).

Ian and I left Pauline and Tim to visit the cathedral and went off in search of shelter and a potter.

Unfortunately what we thought was a dry seat wasn't! And you know what I'm like with soggy knickers 😂.

This seemed like the ideal opportunity to head into a dry cafe until we were ready to meet up for dinner. The hot blower for hand drying came in very handy.

We got a message from our avid explorers to say they'd done the cathedral tour and found the city wall. So we all rendezvoused at a restaurant that we'd booked a table at for our dinner.

Our farewell dinner.

Then before we knew it the time had come to return to Rolo for the journey to the airport. Sadly 5 days had come to an end and we waved our guests off.

Now back in the apartment looking forward to tomorrow's lunch with our Friends of the Bay friends. Then it's going to be salads for the next few weeks to work off all these meals out 😄

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