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Saturday 23 March 2024

23rd March Back to Sydney for 3 Nights

Last night we didn't just have rain we had a deluge. The swimming pool was nearly overflowing when we looked out this morning!

So after a quick repair job on my rucksack when I managed to break the zip, we packed the car without getting too wet. However, once we arrived at the car rental returns that was a totally different matter. Especially as there didn't seem to be any chance of a let up in the conditions with my idea of sitting it out being jettisoned. 

As Ian was today's driver he was the one sent out in the pouring rain to deal with the niceties and paperwork of our car return. Unfortunately he only had his Panama hat to offer any form of rain protection. It was a bit sodden by his return.

Returning a bit damp with a couple of baggage trollies we geared ourselves into action as it was every else's turn to get out of the nice dry car, unload the boot and get to the covered walkway - which was near but yet so far!

Even under the covered walkways it was wet!

Once we'd negotiated check-in by having to repack we headed to security. Unfortunately, despite having a 23kg allowance Virgin Atlantic wouldn't allow us to have more than one piece of luggage each to put in the hold. So smaller bags had to be unpacked and stuffed into hand luggage and our ever expanding hold luggage. Frustratingly this led to further complications going through security as my wash bag which was originally going in an extra hold bag ended up in my hand luggage. I totally forgot about my manicure set and had my scissors confiscated 😬. Oh well, at least they can't be criticised for being good at their jobs. The security staff who frisked Ian and Freddie were also a bit mystified as to why they were so wet. We must've all looked a sight with squelchy shoes, soggy bags and dripping hair - you know my adversity to soggy knickers so I wasn't impressed. But we did dry out quickly 😄.

Anyway, whilst waiting to board we calculated that we'd driven a total of 3858km or 2411miles since leaving Sydney on 29th February. We've certainly seen loads in that time as well.

On arriving at Sydney airport, after having to wait for my bag to come through just about last, and fully expecting my clothes to be spewed all over the carousel from another zip malfunction, we eventually headed to the taxi rank as we decided after much research yesterday into the best ways to get there that we'd get a quote. If it was under $80 (same price as a train journey for the 4 of us) we'd get it. Webhad white an entertaining trip into the city centre.

Our taxi driver was a very happy elderly Chinese gentleman but English was not his strong point. Nor was his navigation! After deciding to go by taxi and giving him the address several times, we had to get our phones out to help him get to our accomodation as his knackered of trying to read his Sydney map whilst driving wasn't working. I also think he had a nervous twitch or couldn't sit still as he kept lurching in his seat which in turn made the car lurch. I had that ominous nauseous feeling so was quite relieved that Ian took over navigation and we arrived in one piece.

Once settled into our rooms we were soon out again at about 4.30pm to get a late lunch and explore.

We walked over to Darling Harbour.

There was a police function in one of the harbourside hotels with a display of police - mounted police, motorbikes, a car and even a police patrol boat in the harbour. Ian had a chat and found out that Sydney has 30 mounted police.

View from Pyrmont Bay.

We ended up taking a circular route through the Sydney streets festival, past the Fish Market and Central Station to get back to our rooms.

Looking forward to more exploring tomorrow. Lots to see!

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