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Tuesday 12 March 2024

12th March Dreamtime in Rockhampton

As the next 2 nights accomodation do not have internet I'm giving you advanced warning in case my blog doesn't load. Don't panic!!

We decided that we'd find out more about Australian heritage and culture with a visit to the Dreamtime Cultural centre this morning. A bit run down but our guide Wayne was absolutely amazing.

Wayne with his dijeridoo and boomerangs.

Our tour lasted 2 hours during which Wayne told us about the Aboriginal groups and communities in Queensland as well as his family history. I must admit to being very ignorant about Aboriginal history and found it fascinating. Amy and I were bombarding the poor bloke with questions but he seemed to thoroughly enjoy answering them.

His dijeridoo playing was amazing - just based on 5 basic methods of creating a sound from raspberry blowing to puffing out your cheeks.

Then we had a boomerang throwing demonstration before we all had a go. My technique was a bit rubbish but it did make its way back!

Some of the modern Aboriginal art on display.

Back in the car we headed up to the top of Mount Archer as the view over the valley is supposed to be pretty spectacular. Unfortunately it started to rain as we drove up and the cloud came down. No spectacular view for us😂.

Anyway we then took the coast road to Emu Park where we managed to get our lunch order in before the kitchen closed in Ocean Breeze cafe. We're still getting used to cafes and restaurants closing about 2.30-3pm and reopening at 6pm. They also seem to close by about 8.30pm. No late nights over here!

This is the Singing Ship. It was designed to celebrate Captain Cook sailing here and rather cleverly it 'sings' in the wind. The pipes have holes so it's a bit like a flute when the wind bleed, even when like today there was just a gentle breeze.

Today's journey then took us further along Bruce Highway. This main road is basically a single carriageway with occasional passing bays and small dual carriageway sections. It also goes through what can only describe as being like the Serengeti - flat, barren scrub with a few trees and occasionally grassland. It was about 3 hours of similar scenery and about 2 petrol stations. Luckily we'd filled up before we left Rockhampton.

About half way the monotony was taking its toll so we tracked down the small 'town' of Marlborough - a few houses, a petrol station and 'Grandma's Corner shop'. Grandma was manning the shop and cafe and despite just tidying away her kitchen made us some coffees. What a character! We had quite a chat before we continued our drive.

There were herds of cows grazing along the way and Ian swears he saw emu. I seem to be always looking out of the wrong window when he spots wildlife so I'm getting suspicious. Especially when I caught him out saying a bush was an emu! 

We had a spectacular sunset - the photo doesn't really show what the colours were actually like. With so many snake warnings I wasn't going to get out of the car to get a better view.

Our accomodation this evening has had the benefit of toads/frogs eating the mozzies. I wonder if they'll keep us awake with their croaking 🤔.

Anyway off to Seaforth tomorrow and another day of discovery.

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