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Sunday 4 February 2024

4th February Milford Sound

Our earliest start to the day so far. Up at 6.30am as we had a 2 hour drive to Milford Sound. With a more favourable forecast of just 50% chance of rain (an improvement on yesterday's forecast of 90%) things were looking positive. Just a small blip over breakfast when the sugar pot ended up being salt! A bit of an early shock to the system for Amy and Freddie 🥴.

About half way along the one road in we had a quick stop at Mirror Lakes. It wasn't raining and we had time on our side.

Not much traffic on the road and very little coming in the opposite direction. We were probably all heading to the cruise terminal.

Driving along there were hundreds of waterfalls coming down the mountain sides. One positive of the wet weather as they don't run in dry weather.

We arrived with time to comfortably walk the 30 minutes from the car park to the terminal. We decided that we needed a good walk after being cooped up in the car. And we saved $10/hour parking rates being charged at the slightly closer car park which you still had a 10 minutes walk to the terminal. 

Our cruise was with Mitre Cruises who I highly recommend. A small, family run company with a smaller boat which meant we got closer to the waterfalls and seals. Also hot drinks on tap!

There were loads more waterfalls than normal because of the recent , unseasonable weather. Apparently they had snow yesterday!

Everything was lush and green.

Trying out the Titanic pose!

Back to the harbour at the end of our trip.

We had a drier walk back to the car than on our way in.

We found a swing!

On our drive through TeAnau on the way back to our lodge we stopped at Tourist Information for leaflets. Just had to take a picture of a Pukeko. I love these colourful birds that you see on the road side or running across the road. A bit like pheasants in the countryside at home.

A long day but worth it. A lie in tomorrow and we continue on our north with Queenstown and Wanaka as likely stops on our way. Fingers crossed for drier weather.

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