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Wednesday 21 February 2024

21st February Off to Lake Taupo

Today we made it over to Lake Taupo - a giant crater caused 1,800 years ago by the largest volcanic eruption in the last 5,000 years. It's the same size as Singapore, 186m deep and the biggest lake in NZ.

It also holds the official title as the place for the world's coolest Macdonald's!

Even a sign to prove it!

Another city that celebrates it's street art.

Even the drain covers were artistic.

Lake Taupo feeds into the Waikato River which ultimately goes over the Hukka Falls. We took a walk along the river and came across the thermal pools.

Seemed like a good opportunity for a dip. It's like getting in a bath it's so warm with the hot springs feeding into small pools and then the river.

31°C when we got back in the car to continue our excursion.

Next stop was a Honey Farm for coffee and ice creams topped with honey 😄. Also a chance to sample honey based hand creams and potions. Amy and I were smelling very sweet as we got back in the car.

Final stop was a walk to the Hukka Falls viewpoint. The sound of the roaring water intensified as we got closer. Pretty amazing colours of blue with the sunshine and clear waters.

With all our driving today I'm ready for a quiet day tomorrow. Let's see what happens 😎.

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